Contact Us

Drive north on Interstate 95 going through Petersburg in central Virginia and if you peek through the trees you might catch a glimpse of our 137,000-square-foot headquarters. Here, we receive our container and truck shipments, package bulk materials, and ship out your orders. In addition to that we have our corporate offices, a large cooler for specialized inventory, dedicated Organic operations, and our in-house Quality Control and R&D labs. As you can imagine, all this is quite an upgrade from our humble beginnings in 1877.
Get Direction
You get Old Mansion product in a couple of ways:
*Please note, as we private label for a variety of retail and foodservice brands, some non-OM labeled products may be exclusive and not for resale by Old Mansion without consent from their respective owners.
As a general rule of thumb to ensure the best freshness:
Shelf life may also be extended through storage in temperature-controlled environments, and by keeping products out of direct sunlight, in tightly sealed containers.
While some of our products have a best-by date printed on the packaging, most our products are labeled with a Julian Date Code. The 4 digit code will appear either on the label or directly on the finished package. The first 3 digits signify the day of manufacture, and the 4th digit will display the corresponding year the product was made.
Ex. A lot code reading 0059 shows that the product was manufactured on January 5, 2019.
Please refer to our other FAQ for shelf-life related questions on your product.
Currently, we do not offer an Organic product-line.